
My name is Kristin Timinsky, but I go by Brooke. I’m a senior at the University of Central Florida and I’m majoring in Interpersonal Organizational Communications. I’ve grown up in Orlando my entire life, but have spent much of my free time in the mountains of North Carolina developing a love for new adventures and experiences.

The first thing I plan on doing after graduation is move out of Orlando, immediately! I plan to move to a wonderful little town on the beach or a quaint place in the mountains. Professionally, I hope to find a career in events or weddings at a hotel by the beach, or maybe even a career I hadn’t thought of at a scuba diving shop, marina, national park, white water rafting store, etc. I’d love to be able to use what I’ve learned to promote little known places that are great for getting people back to nature! Seeing how social media is a very growing trend, I also want to use knowledge I’ve gained in that area to bring good buzz media to these little known places.

A little more information about myself is that I’m 21, I love my family and friends, and love spending my free time finding cool places to explore with my boyfriend, Will and puppy, Dora. Whenever I’m not at work, you’ll find me paddleboarding, biking, kayaking, scuba diving, and finding unexplored trails all throughout Florida. I believe that I developed my spirit for adventure spending so much time in North Carolina, it’s still one of my favorite places to be. I also enjoy white water rafting, hiking, paddleboarding, kayaking, and zip-lining (as seen in the photo) when I’m there. Overall, it’s pretty apparent that one of my passions in life is exploring nature, and I love having the opportunity to share with you the great places I’ve found as well as great links to articles and video of other great adventurers out there!

Thanks for taking the time to get to know a little bit about me! I hope to inspire you to find your spirit of adventure, explore, and uncover something new!